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You can transform metal cubes in a cute Craft bucket. Making candles or festive decorations!

The Craft bucket are two inches tall and come in metal tin. A single spray can or just leave normal, add a candle cheap and bought some foam Craft bucket cheaper craft and tab-DA you table decor store. Let it be enough for customers or make a fun date night at home with Craft bucket!

My first impulse for this Craft bucket project was to use an actual basket it is easy crafting. But when I saw this little guy in the paint section at a hardware store, I fell in love with this Craft bucket.

I decided to imitate the model of a galvanized metal basket with a simple easy crafting model of strokes as in the previous example. Do not want to ruin my bucket from the beginning, I was practicing my role model until I felt comfortable with Craft bucket.

And there it goes for easy crafting! You have to allow the paint to dry while working around or you risk the possibility of accidentally smudging the paint by hand, as you say at work. The good news is that acrylic paints dry very quickly!

Then take a piece of tape that will fit in the middle of the cube. Use hot glue to attach this easy crafting.

Then make four laps of tape and glue two together to make two forms of X.

Glue the two forms of x together to make a fun little bow. Use a small amount of Mod Podgier or sealer to cover the tape (to protect it from dirt dripping water if you accidentally responsible water. After drying then used a white button as a focal point in the center place. Glue bow hot tape.

After all that is good and dry, add the small plant. Be sure to choose a plant that is smaller than the cube so you have room to grow. Take the plastic pot plant, and sometimes, as my grandmother roll roots. Gently rub the floor on your hands to break the root system. This will help spread the roots and the plant to grow.

As a last bit of Craft bucket of embellishment paste your reel on the ground. Depending on the size of the key is in the coil, you may have to cut to fit well.

And if you're wondering what that black easy crafting behind my beautiful new pot of petunias, this is my cat Max. Alias WW assistant craft kitten.

Overall this is a very easy little project Craft bucket. I have the intention to make several in different sizes for my porch. It will be so cute Craft bucket! They also make great little gifts!